FENIX Co..Ltd. Has been dispatching human resources specialized in manufacturing since it opened in 1995. Itroducing a total of more than 2,000 people, mainly leading Hamamatsu big companies. Most of the companies are stable manufacturing companies. If you like the workplace, you can work for a long time.
Also, The president Norma Kinoshita, will be checking before introducing the jobs, so you can work relief and safe. we will support the foreigners with translation untill you stabilized in the work.
We specialize in the manufacturing industry, mainly local major companies
and dispatch human resources.
Therefore, I have you work stably for a long time. Unlike the service industry, no need of a high level of the Japanese language.
FENIX provides through support to ensure that the dispatched person can be established at the destination.
The staff will accompany you not only in the interview but also on the first day of pre-training and actual work.
For foreigners, we can also provide interpretation, and we also have various consulation to help you get a job for a long time.
Jobs can be introduced according to your requirements.
Not only the location but also places that provide apartment, Just let us know-your preferences.
We will introduce the job that will suits you.